Visa renewal Vietnam is the best choice for those requesting for a new stay duration in the country disregarding the kind of their old visa. They can choose one of two ways to get their visa renewal done.

Visa renewal Vietnam for Hong Kong passport holders

You are a Hong Kong resident who is investing, working or traveling in Vietnam. Would you like to extend your visa to stay longer in Vietnam, but you don't know how to apply for a visa extension? The following article will provide you with specific information about visa renewal procedures for Hong Kong residents in Vietnam.

Regulations with procedures for visa renewal in Vietnam

Procedures for renewing Vietnamese visas for Hong Kong immigrants in Vietnam are stipulated in the following legal documents:
- Ordinance No. 24/1999 / PL-UBTVQH 10 on entry, exit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam.
- Decree No. 21 / ND_CP Detailing the implementation of the entry ordinance,
exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam.
- Joint Circular 01/2012 Amending and supplementing Joint Circular No. 04/2002 / TTLT / BCA-BNG dated January 29, 2002, and Joint Circular No. 05/2009 / TTLT / BCA-BNG dated 12 May 2009 by the Ministry of Public Security - Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the field of immigration
- The decision of the Minister of Finance No. 136/1999 / QD-BTC dated November 10, 1999, promulgating the fee schedule for entry, exit, transit and residence in Vietnam.

Getting Visa renewal Vietnam at Vietnam Immigration Department

Step 1: You need to prepare a full package of a file according to the official Immigration’s law consisting of your passport or another valid international traveling document, application form (NA5) of visa renewal Vietnam and the invitation letter of the agencies, organizations or individuals who can guarantee your entry.

Step 2: You need to hand those dossiers in person at the office of Vietnam Immigration in the nearest area. You can check the contact information of the accordant authorities (The North, The South, and the Centre). They will check whether you have met the conditions and ask you for the visa fee if your application is accepted.

Step 3: You must leave your passport at the place for more than a week for a complete procedure.

Step 4: You have to come back to pick up your new Vietnam visa.

Getting your visa renewed at Visa Vietnam

It requires you to make a lot of travel if you choose the first option. To save your time and efforts, you can simply apply for Vietnam visa renewal with our professional service. You just need to send us your information including:

  • Passport scan (file attached)
  • Current visa scan  (file attached)
  • Immigration stamp  (file attached)
  • Latest date of entry
  • Your current address in Vietnam

We can renew Vietnam visa for Hong Kong passport holders

Source: Internet

We will inform you if it is possible to get your new visa processed and how much you have to pay. Then if you choose to use our service, please send us your documents to our office at S4-S5 Ba Vi, Ward 15, District 10, Ho Chi Minh city. We will contact you to collect it once it is done.

Please notice that you must apply for it prior to the expiration of your old visa at least 1 week and make sure you don’t need your passport in the period of time.

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Written by | Fri, Nov 03, 2017