Immigration Vietnam approved A year tourist visa for American

Immigration Vietnam approved A year tourist visa for American

American can acquire one-year multiple tourist visa approved by the Immigration Vietnam now to freely travel to many famous places in our beautiful country.

Vietnam Immigration approved  Evisa for 40 nationalities

E visa Vietnam for visitors from 40 countries

Under the agreement between the two governments of Vietnam and the United States, the US government issued one multiple tourist visa to Vietnamese citizens and the Vietnamese also allowed the American citizens to be granted for the similar kind of visa.

1/ The requirements of A year tourist visa for American issued by the Immigration Vietnam

- At least 1 year valid passport.

- There is enough space for the visa sticker and visa stamp marked on your passport.

- The documents of the applicants must be submitted to the Immigration Vietnam by a licensed visa agent to ask for the visa approval letter with the tourist purpose in case you want to obtain a Vietnam visa on arrival which you will take to get the visa stamp at the airport.

immigration-vietnamMore and more American has traveled to Vietnam recently

Source: Internet

2/ How can American apply for a year tourist visa?

- Please go on our website.

- Click the “APPLY VISA” button to start the process.

- Fill your personal information on the passport and your visa request that is included in the application form.

- Review to make sure all are correct and settle your payment.

- Once you pay successfully, will we send you the confirmation via email.

- Within two working days, we will send you the approval letter and the instructions in detail which show you how to get the stamp at the airport. Please read every email we send you thoroughly and reply to inform that you have received.

This pilot operated by the Immigration Vietnam has hit a new chance for American to travel to Vietnam more today.

3/ How much is a year tourist visa for American?

There are 2 types of Vietnam visa fees you must be aware before applying for visa on arrival:


Is the fee that must be paid for us in advance for your process of visa approval letter that officially issued by Vietnam Immigration Department.

- Normal: 24-48 working hours. You need to pay a fee of 55 USD for one person to get this processing time.

- Urgent: 4- 8 working hours. You need to pay an extra fee of 15 USD for one person to get this processing time.

- Emergency: 30-minute working hours. You need to pay an extra fee of 45 USD for one person to get this processing time.

- On weekends and holidays: Please inform us in advance to arrange the suitable service for you. In this case, the fee will be different from various customers depending on your arrival times. However, we will always provide you with the most competitive prices among the every.


Is the fee you are required to pay for Vietnam Immigration Officers at arrival port to get official visa stamped onto your passport. The stamping fee must be IN CASH, credit cards are not accepted. It ‘s $135/pax for 1-year multiple entries visa.


- Before applying online for a Vietnam Visa on arrival, American ensures that the passport has at least 1-year-validity and left pages from travel date.

- Visa on arrival is only applicable to America traveling by air to Vietnam.

Should you have any support or our adviser, please feel free to contact email!

Think about visa - Think of us!


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Hotline: +84.909.597.525, toll-free: 1-855-972-8379.


Written by | Wed, Sep 20, 2017